15 Mar A Message From Kimbrough Law – Virtual Closings
In light of the issuance of the Governor’s Executive Order No., we are now able to perform virtual closings. However, before scheduling a virtual closing, please confirm with the lender that they will allow a virtual closing. Please see our new procedures below:
- Prior to the closing date, we will overnight FedEx documents to the client. They should NOT be signed upon receipt. They must be signed during the scheduled closing time on a recorded video. The documents will then be in the same order that the attorney has in front of them during the closing. A FedEx label will be provided, so that signed documents are returned to us, the same day as closing.
- When a closing time has been scheduled, we will send an email that will include an invitation to a Zoom Pro meeting for the date and time chosen. This email will also include instructions on how to download the Zoom app. Agents and loan officers will also be welcome to attend the virtual closing while their clients are signing. All closings will be recorded.
- During the virtual closing, the borrower will be required to show a government issued ID. In addition, they must return a copy of 2 forms of ID in their FedEx envelope. Please note that borrowers must be physically located in the State of Georgia during the virtual closing and will be required to sign an affidavit confirming that they are present in the state. After closing, all signed documents must be mailed via FedEx the same day.
When we receive the documents the next day, we will be able to physically notarize them using the date that they were signed. We will not be able to disburse funds until we have the original documents in our possession.
Please note the following:
For those lenders not approving virtual closings, closings are available at our office Monday – Friday. All safety precautions are being taken by our firm to ensure closings are safe. We disinfect between each closing, make hand sanitizer available at the table, provide new pens at each closing and able to separate parties, if needed. We will continue to offer power of attorney options for clients; however, virtual notarization of a Power of Attorney was not approved. A seller mail away remains an option on the seller side.
Kimbrough Law is committed to ensuring that transactions continue as safely as possible; and will continue to service your closing needs at the same level of excellence to which you’ve been accustomed. Please let us know how we can better serve you, and thank you for closing with Kimbrough.